International School Fees in Singapore

GESS is a leading international school in Singapore that offers a personalised holistic education for all our students. As a proud community-focused, not-for-profit international school, every dollar is reinvested into teaching and learning. The GESS Association, largely comprised of GESS parents, decides on the annual budget and school fees.

Preschool | Primary School | Middle School | High School | Other School Fee Information

school fees for 2025/26

The published school fee structure applies to all students for the academic year 2025/2026. All published fees are in Singapore Dollars (SGD) inclusive of the prevailing GST, where applicable.


Fee Item Fee (SGD)
Entrance Fee¹
Pre-Kindergarten Tuition Fees: 3 half days & 2 full days per week
Per Year
Pre-Kindergarten Tuition Fees: Five full days
Per Year
Kindergarten and Pre-Primary Tuition Fees
Per Year
Development Levy²
Per Year
Learning Materials & Excursion Fees³
Per Year

Miscellaneous Fees (if applicable)

Per Activity, Per Semester

Grades 1-5 (IB Primary Years Programme)

Fee Item Fee (SGD)
Entrance Fee¹
Tuition Fee
Per Year
Development Levy²
Per Year
Learning Materials & Excursion Fees³
Per Year
Miscellaneous Fees (if applicable)
Per Activity, Per Semester
Grade 5 - Wind Programme
Per Year
Learning Support / EAL Regular
Per Semester
Learning Support / EAL Intensive
Per Semester

Class Trips, Enrichment Week and Overnight Excursion Fees (compulsory)
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5

Grades 6-10 (IB Middle Years Programme)

Fee Item Fee (SGD)
Entrance Fee¹
Tuition Fee
Per Year
Development Levy²
Per Year
Miscellaneous Fees (if applicable)
Per Activity, Per Semester
Wind Programme
Per Year
Learning Support / EAL Regular
Per Semester
Learning Support / EAL Intensive
Per Semester

Class Trips, Enrichment Week and Overnight Excursion Fees (compulsory)
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10

Grades 11-12 (IB Diploma/careers Programme)

Fee Item Fee (SGD)
Entrance Fee¹
Tuition Fee
Per Year
Development Levy²
Per Year
Learning Materials & Excursion Fees³
Per Year
Miscellaneous Fees (if applicable)
Per Activity, Per Semester
Learning Support Regular
Per Semester
Learning Support Intensive
Per Semester

Class Trips, Enrichment Week and Overnight Excursion Fees (compulsory)
Grade 11
Grade 12

¹ Entrance fee consist of an enrolment fee of S$3,550 and non-refundable application fee of S$400.00.
² First year only, from the second year onwards and for the third child onwards, there is a 50% discount on the development levy.
³ Learning materials & excursion fees are not pro-rated
⁴ CCA: Co-Curricula Activity, LEP: Language Enrichment Programme

The fees for class trips, enrichment week and overnight excursions are based on estimates and actual confirmed fees will be notified by the relevant academic departments at the appropriate time in the school year.

Grades 1-4 (German Section)

Fee Item Fee (SGD)
Entrance Fee¹
Tuition Fee
Per Year
Development Levy²
Per Year
Learning Materials & Excursion Fees³
Per Year
Miscellaneous Fees (if applicable)
Per Activity, Per Semester
Wind Programme
Per Year
Learning / Language Support Regular
Per Semester
Learning / Language Support Intensive
Per Semester

Class Trips, Enrichment Week and Overnight Excursion Fees (compulsory)
Grade 3
Grade 4

ENP - "Erweitertes Nachmittagsprogramm"
Grade EST² - Grade 1 (Mon, Thu, Fri)
Per Semester
Grade 2 (Mon, Fri)
Per Semester
Grade 3 (Tue)
Per Semester
EST² - Grade 5 (Wed [additional day])
Per Semester

Grades 5-9 (German Section)

Fee Item Fee (SGD)
Entrance Fee¹
Tuition Fee
Per Year
Development Levy²
Per Year
Miscellaneous Fees (if applicable)
Per Activity, Per Semester
Wind Programme
Per Year
Learning / Language Support Regular
Per Semester
Learning / Language Support Intensive
Per Semester

Class Trips, Enrichment Week and Overnight Excursion Fees (compulsory)
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9

ENP - "Erweitertes Nachmittagsprogramm"
EST² - Grade 5 (Wed [additional day])
Per Semester

Grades 10-12 (German Section)

Fee Item Fee (SGD)
Entrance Fee¹
Tuition Fee
Per Year
Development Levy²
Per Year
Learning Materials & Excursion Fees³
Per Year
Miscellaneous Fees (if applicable)
Per Activity, Per Semester
Learning / Language Support Regular
Per Semester
Learning / Language Support Intensive
Per Semester

Class Trips, Enrichment Week and Overnight Excursion Fees (compulsory)
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12

¹ Entrance fee consist of an enrolment fee of S$3,550 and non-refundable application fee of S$400.00.
² First year only, from the second year onwards and for the third child onwards, there is a 50% discount on the development levy.
³ Learning materials & excursion fees are not pro-rated
⁴ CCA: Co-Curricula Activity, LEP: Language Enrichment Programme

The fees for class trips, enrichment week and overnight excursions are based on estimates and actual confirmed fees will be notified by the relevant academic departments at the appropriate time in the school year.

Other International School Fees Information

School Fees FAQ
Payment Methods
Terms and Conditions

School Fees FAQ

How often are school fees invoiced?

GESS follows a two semester international school calendar. School fees are invoiced annually with two payment periods for each semester. 50% of the annual school fees are due for semester one and 50% for semester two.

Can I pay the school fees monthly?

Yes, GESS offers a monthly school fee payment plan. Each semester's fees are paid in five monthly instalments via a GIRO arrangement with your Singapore bank. There is no additional charge for this service.

What do the school fees cover?

The annual school fees include all standard international school fees items such as tuition, building/maintenance, learning materials, technology devices and regular class trips. Optional after-school programmes such as private music lessons, co-curricular activities and sports are not included in the school fees.

Does GESS offer scholarships?

GESS is a not-for-profit international school that keeps school fees reasonable whilst offering a full-service international school education. GESS does not currently offer international school scholarships.

Is there an application fee?

Like most international schools in Singapore, an application fee is charged for each applicant. The application is part of the entrance fee component and is non-refundable under any circumstances. Any entrance assessments or evaluations will not be conducted until the application fee has been paid.

What are the withdrawal periods for unenrolling a student?

There are two withdrawal periods each year. Families need to notify the school by the 15 October for students leaving GESS at the end of semester 1 and by 31 March for students not continuing into the next school year.

What is the loyalty discount?

The loyalty discount is applied to all students once they have been enrolled at GESS for one year. The loyalty discount will be applied to all future annual fee invoices until the student graduates or leaves GESS. The loyalty discount amount is revised from time to time.

Does GESS offer a sibling discount?

In addition to the loyalty discount offered to all students from the second year of enrolment onwards, GESS offers an additional discount on the third child enrolling from the first year of enrolment.

Can I defer the offer of a place?

Once the application has been approved, parents must sign the student contract and letter of offer within three days to secure the space in the grade. It may be possible to defer the start date until the beginning of the following school year. Full payment of the first invoice is required to secure the space. Please discuss the possibility of deferring with your admissions officer.

Payment Methods

What payment methods are accepted for paying the school fees?

The following payment methods can be used to pay the school fees.

  • Bank transfer
  • Debit/Credit Card
  • Monthly GIRO arrangement

How can I pay the school fees if I do not have a Singapore bank account yet?

International transfers are accepted. Please ensure the bank transfer is sent in Singapore Dollars (SGD) and not the local currency.

Alternatively, payments can be made using a credit or debit card (VISA or Mastercard).

My employer is paying the school fees. What do I need to do?

Contractual arrangements are between the parents and the school. If your employer pays the school fees directly, you will need to download the invoice from the Parent Portal and send it to your employer.

Can I use my child's Childhood Development Account (CDA) to pay the school fees?

If your child is a Singapore citizen, you can use their Childhood Development Account, including Baby Bonus, to pay for preschool fees. More information about the Baby Bonus Scheme and Childhood Development Account is available on the Ministry of Social and Family Development website.

Terms and Conditions

Tuition fees

  1. Tuition fees, Development Levy and material and excursion fees will be invoiced twice yearly. Any other charges (special support program, examinations fees, etc.) will be invoiced as and when they occur.
  2. Invoices are due for payment within 30 days from the invoice date, except for the first invoice for new students which is due within 14 days of the date of invoice. School fees are required to be paid on, or before, the due date. Payment methods include: bank transfer, credit card, cheque or GIRO monthly payments. For further information, please view the payment methods page.
  3. GIRO monthly payment option is available over five monthly deductions per semester. Click here for further information.

Application fee

1. An application fee payment is required upon submission of the application form. The application fee is non-refundable under any circumstance. An invoice for the application fee will not be issued in advance however, a receipt under the parent(s)’s name(s) will be provided.

Enrolment fee

1. The enrolment fee is required to be paid within 14 days of the first invoice sending date to confirm the space in the grade.

First invoice

1. The first invoice which includes enrolment fee, tuition fees, development levy and materials fees, is required to be paid within 14 days of the invoice date.

2. Where payment of the first invoice is not made within 14 days of the invoice, the place may be forfeited and offered to the next student on the waiting list.

Refund of first invoice fees for new students

When a family informs the School of the cancellation of enrolment, the following refund schedule will be implemented:

+90 days before the first date of school: 50% refund of enrolment, tuition and development levy fees paid

89 – 0 days before the first date of school: 0% refund of enrolment, tuition and development levy fees paid

1. Where a new student has not obtained the required immigration pass to start school and where the School is not responsible for the immigration pass delay, no refund of fees will be provided.

2. Deferment of the student’s start date due to a delay in moving to Singapore follows the refund schedule as defined in the above table.

3. Enrolment fee payment is valid for a maximum of 3 years from the enrolment fee payment received date.

4. Applications may be deferred up to a maximum of 3 years from the enrolment fee payment received date. After this date, a new enrolment fee payment will be required.

Returning students

Students who leave GESS and return within 3 years from the leaving date are not required to pay the enrolment fee payment again unless the fee was not previously paid. Students returning to GESS after 3 years from the last day at school, known as the leaving date are required to pay the entrance fee payment.

Development Levy

The Development Levy is payable in respect of every student. The Development Levy is payable in two equal instalments and invoiced together with tuition fees. For the third child onwards and from the second year onwards, there is a 50% discount on the published Development Levy rate for all students.

Enrolment during a school year

If and when a student enrols during the school year, a proportional tuition fee shall be payable, calculated as per the table below:

Share of the annual tuition fee payable:
August / September 100%

October 85%

November / December 75%

January 60%

February / March 50%

April 35%

May / June 25%

Payment and delay thereof

1. Tuition fees for enrolled students are payable for a whole semester in advance. Fees are not refundable in whole or in part. An enrolled student is defined as a student who has already attended school.

2. Payment of invoices for tuition fees and extras (such as learning resources, school excursions/class trips) shall be due within 30 days from the date of invoice, with the exception of new students, where the first invoice must be paid within 14 days from the date of the invoice.

3. The Principal reserves the right to refuse access to school facilities and lessons to students, whose invoices have not been fully settled. GESS further reserves the right to withhold any school reports or related documents in such cases.

4. Failure to pay the invoices on the due date may result in termination of the student contract.

5. GESS reserves the right to impose compound interest charges on overdue invoices at the rate of 8% per annum.

6. GIRO payments are deducted by the 15th of each month. If a GIRO payment cannot be processed or is rejected due to insufficient funds, a $50 admin surcharge will be charged. The failed instalment will need to be paid via cash or cheque within seven days from the notice. Failure to settle the amount within seven days may be treated as non-payment of fees, and the student contract will be terminated.

7. Responsibility for payment of invoices: settlement of fees is the joint and several responsibilities of the signatory of the student contract.

8. An agreement with a third party to pay the fees or any other sum due to the school does not release parents from any liability under these terms and conditions.

9. Any costs/expenses/charges incurred with the enforcement of this Payment Terms and Conditions, including legal costs, shall be borne by the parents on a full indemnity basis.

10. Notice of withdrawal from GESS must be submitted to the school via the official withdrawal form in Parent Portal, not later than 15th October for semester 1 or leaving part-way through semester 2 and 31st March for the following semester (semester 1 of the next academic year). Failure to give adequate notice will result in the fees for the following semester falling due.

11. All termination form submissions are considered final. There is no provision for pending or unconfirmed termination requests. Any mention of a pending or unconfirmed termination/withdrawal request in the termination form will be ignored. A student’s place in the grade will be released immediately upon reception of the termination form.

12. Any request received outside of the withdrawal period defined in point 10, will incur the following semester’s fees at the invoiced rate. Non-payment of the penalty fees will result in legal action being taken to recover all fees. No school reports or recommendations / references or certificates will be provided in case of non-payment.

13. For students leaving for part of a semester, for example a student exchange or extended family holiday, there is no need to submit the withdrawal form. The parents must complete the Application for Leave form in Parent Portal.

Refund Policy

1. Termination according to Section 4.2 of the School By-law, shall take effect at the end of the school semester (January, July). All tuition and other fees shall be payable in full until the end of the school semester; there shall not be any proportionate refund.

2. For termination during the cooling off period as per No. 2.3 of the student contract, all fees paid in advance will be refunded in full, excluding the non-refundable application fee as per the school’s terms and conditions.

3. Refund of first invoice fees paid due to cancellation of enrolment after a student has been admitted will follow the refund schedule listed in the Refund of first invoice fees for new students section above.

School Fees FAQ
Payment Methods
Terms and Conditions

School Fees FAQ

How often are school fees invoiced?

GESS follows a two semester international school calendar. School fees are invoiced annually with two payment periods for each semester. 50% of the annual school fees are due for semester one and 50% for semester two.

Can I pay the school fees monthly?

Yes, GESS offers a monthly school fee payment plan. Each semester's fees are paid in five monthly instalments via a GIRO arrangement with your Singapore bank. There is no additional charge for this service.

What do the school fees cover?

The annual school fees include all standard international school fees items such as tuition, building/maintenance, learning materials, technology devices and regular class trips. Optional after-school programmes such as private music lessons, co-curricular activities and sports are not included in the school fees.

Does GESS offer scholarships?

GESS is a not-for-profit international school that keeps school fees reasonable whilst offering a full-service international school education. GESS does not currently offer international school scholarships.

Is there an application fee?

Like most international schools in Singapore, an application fee is charged for each applicant. The application is part of the entrance fee component and is non-refundable under any circumstances. Any entrance assessments or evaluations will not be conducted until the application fee has been paid.

What are the withdrawal periods for unenrolling a student?

There are two withdrawal periods each year. Families need to notify the school by the 15 October for students leaving GESS at the end of semester 1 and by 31 March for students not continuing into the next school year.

What is the loyalty discount?

The loyalty discount is applied to all students once they have been enrolled at GESS for one year. The loyalty discount will be applied to all future annual fee invoices until the student graduates or leaves GESS. The loyalty discount amount is revised from time to time.

Does GESS offer a sibling discount?

In addition to the loyalty discount offered to all students from the second year of enrolment onwards, GESS offers an additional discount on the third child enrolling from the first year of enrolment.

Can I defer the offer of a place?

Once the application has been approved, parents must sign the student contract and letter of offer within three days to secure the space in the grade. It may be possible to defer the start date until the beginning of the following school year. Full payment of the first invoice is required to secure the space. Please discuss the possibility of deferring with your admissions officer.

Payment Methods

What payment methods are accepted for paying the school fees?

The following payment methods can be used to pay the school fees.

  • Bank transfer
  • Debit/Credit Card
  • Monthly GIRO arrangement

How can I pay the school fees if I do not have a Singapore bank account yet?

International transfers are accepted. Please ensure the bank transfer is sent in Singapore Dollars (SGD) and not the local currency.

Alternatively, payments can be made using a credit or debit card (VISA or Mastercard).

My employer is paying the school fees. What do I need to do?

Contractual arrangements are between the parents and the school. If your employer pays the school fees directly, you will need to download the invoice from the Parent Portal and send it to your employer.

Can I use my child's Childhood Development Account (CDA) to pay the school fees?

If your child is a Singapore citizen, you can use their Childhood Development Account, including Baby Bonus, to pay for preschool fees. More information about the Baby Bonus Scheme and Childhood Development Account is available on the Ministry of Social and Family Development website.

Terms and Conditions

Tuition fees

  1. Tuition fees, Development Levy and material and excursion fees will be invoiced twice yearly. Any other charges (special support program, examinations fees, etc.) will be invoiced as and when they occur.
  2. Invoices are due for payment within 30 days from the invoice date, except for the first invoice for new students which is due within 14 days of the date of invoice. School fees are required to be paid on, or before, the due date. Payment methods include: bank transfer, credit card, cheque or GIRO monthly payments. For further information, please view the payment methods page.
  3. GIRO monthly payment option is available over five monthly deductions per semester. Click here for further information.

Application fee

1. An application fee payment is required upon submission of the application form. The application fee is non-refundable under any circumstance. An invoice for the application fee will not be issued in advance however, a receipt under the parent(s)’s name(s) will be provided.

Enrolment fee

1. The enrolment fee is required to be paid within 14 days of the first invoice sending date to confirm the space in the grade.

First invoice

1. The first invoice which includes enrolment fee, tuition fees, development levy and materials fees, is required to be paid within 14 days of the invoice date.

2. Where payment of the first invoice is not made within 14 days of the invoice, the place may be forfeited and offered to the next student on the waiting list.

Refund of first invoice fees for new students

When a family informs the School of the cancellation of enrolment, the following refund schedule will be implemented:

+90 days before the first date of school: 50% refund of enrolment, tuition and development levy fees paid

89 – 0 days before the first date of school: 0% refund of enrolment, tuition and development levy fees paid

1. Where a new student has not obtained the required immigration pass to start school and where the School is not responsible for the immigration pass delay, no refund of fees will be provided.

2. Deferment of the student’s start date due to a delay in moving to Singapore follows the refund schedule as defined in the above table.

3. Enrolment fee payment is valid for a maximum of 3 years from the enrolment fee payment received date.

4. Applications may be deferred up to a maximum of 3 years from the enrolment fee payment received date. After this date, a new enrolment fee payment will be required.

Returning students

Students who leave GESS and return within 3 years from the leaving date are not required to pay the enrolment fee payment again unless the fee was not previously paid. Students returning to GESS after 3 years from the last day at school, known as the leaving date are required to pay the entrance fee payment.

Development Levy

The Development Levy is payable in respect of every student. The Development Levy is payable in two equal instalments and invoiced together with tuition fees. For the third child onwards and from the second year onwards, there is a 50% discount on the published Development Levy rate for all students.

Enrolment during a school year

If and when a student enrols during the school year, a proportional tuition fee shall be payable, calculated as per the table below:

Share of the annual tuition fee payable:
August / September 100%

October 85%

November / December 75%

January 60%

February / March 50%

April 35%

May / June 25%

Payment and delay thereof

1. Tuition fees for enrolled students are payable for a whole semester in advance. Fees are not refundable in whole or in part. An enrolled student is defined as a student who has already attended school.

2. Payment of invoices for tuition fees and extras (such as learning resources, school excursions/class trips) shall be due within 30 days from the date of invoice, with the exception of new students, where the first invoice must be paid within 14 days from the date of the invoice.

3. The Principal reserves the right to refuse access to school facilities and lessons to students, whose invoices have not been fully settled. GESS further reserves the right to withhold any school reports or related documents in such cases.

4. Failure to pay the invoices on the due date may result in termination of the student contract.

5. GESS reserves the right to impose compound interest charges on overdue invoices at the rate of 8% per annum.

6. GIRO payments are deducted by the 15th of each month. If a GIRO payment cannot be processed or is rejected due to insufficient funds, a $50 admin surcharge will be charged. The failed instalment will need to be paid via cash or cheque within seven days from the notice. Failure to settle the amount within seven days may be treated as non-payment of fees, and the student contract will be terminated.

7. Responsibility for payment of invoices: settlement of fees is the joint and several responsibilities of the signatory of the student contract.

8. An agreement with a third party to pay the fees or any other sum due to the school does not release parents from any liability under these terms and conditions.

9. Any costs/expenses/charges incurred with the enforcement of this Payment Terms and Conditions, including legal costs, shall be borne by the parents on a full indemnity basis.

10. Notice of withdrawal from GESS must be submitted to the school via the official withdrawal form in Parent Portal, not later than 15th October for semester 1 or leaving part-way through semester 2 and 31st March for the following semester (semester 1 of the next academic year). Failure to give adequate notice will result in the fees for the following semester falling due.

11. All termination form submissions are considered final. There is no provision for pending or unconfirmed termination requests. Any mention of a pending or unconfirmed termination/withdrawal request in the termination form will be ignored. A student’s place in the grade will be released immediately upon reception of the termination form.

12. Any request received outside of the withdrawal period defined in point 10, will incur the following semester’s fees at the invoiced rate. Non-payment of the penalty fees will result in legal action being taken to recover all fees. No school reports or recommendations / references or certificates will be provided in case of non-payment.

13. For students leaving for part of a semester, for example a student exchange or extended family holiday, there is no need to submit the withdrawal form. The parents must complete the Application for Leave form in Parent Portal.

Refund Policy

1. Termination according to Section 4.2 of the School By-law, shall take effect at the end of the school semester (January, July). All tuition and other fees shall be payable in full until the end of the school semester; there shall not be any proportionate refund.

2. For termination during the cooling off period as per No. 2.3 of the student contract, all fees paid in advance will be refunded in full, excluding the non-refundable application fee as per the school’s terms and conditions.

3. Refund of first invoice fees paid due to cancellation of enrolment after a student has been admitted will follow the refund schedule listed in the Refund of first invoice fees for new students section above.


The school fees listed on this page are correct as of the time of publishing. Fees are subject to change. For the avoidance of doubt, if there is any discrepancy between the fees published on this page and an official school invoice, the amount stated in the official school invoice shall be applied and supersedes the amount stated on the website.