A typical day in Preschool


Bus drop-off at School

Students can be dropped off from 07:30 and will be supervised by teachers in the playground.


Exploratory Learning and Morning Meeting

Each morning the children begin their day together to sing songs, listen to stories, discuss ideas and feelings. This is a moment to create a community of learners as each child develops social and communication skills.



Children eat a snack in the Preschool dining area with their class. They bring a healthy morning snack from home to eat at school.


Unit of Inquiry and Specialised Learning

Children explore concepts and big ideas about their world through Units of Inquiry and are exposed to a wide variety of learning areas from science, languages, mathematics to visual and digital arts, music, physical education, library, and development of social and emotional skills.



Lunch is provided in the Preschool for all grades. During snack and lunch children have an opportunity to socialise with their peers, learn good eating habits and try new foods, as well as learn table manners.


Rest and relaxation

Depending on a child’s needs, the time after lunch will be used to sleep or rest.


Play, Inquiry and Reflection

Children are given the opportunity to play and reflect on their day together as a group before being dismissed.


End of day

Preschool students are escorted by teachers to school buses, CCAs or to wait for their parents. There is a teacher on duty in the bus area to assist.